The purpose of the pulley lab was to teach us how it is possible to pull a heavy weight by using a machine called a pulley. With a pulley one can pull a longer distance with less force on us then then a person trying to lift that weight on their own without a pulley. Also we were able to determine the difference between distance and force.
Force can be manipulated using a simple machine by allowing the person to use less force and being able to carry this weight. By using a pulley the less force enables us to be able to lift a large amount of weight with a long distance. Also when we measured the distance of the strings it made a difference when we had a longer string compared to a shorter one. Also changing the amount of wheels and string you use on the pulley make it easier.
Although this photo might be hard to read, it shows that with a string 6 cm long the Force is 1.6 (N). With two strings the force was less, it was only 1 (N), and lastly with four strings the force was only 0.5. this shows how useful and easier the pulley makes things. (lifting weights)
Learning how to use a pulley is very important especially in the field of construction. It is a lot easier for a pulley to lift cinder blocks or even heavy weights then a human on their own. With the invention of the pulley our buildings and structures are strong, tall, and precise.